Q. Can I become a member as an individual?
A. No, membership is only available to groups.

Q. What types of groups can become UAO members?
A. Membership is open to professional organizations, educational institutions, research centers/institutes, and other groups with an interest in anatomical science.

Q. I would like to receive the monthly newsletter as an individual.

A. Please email your name and email address to univ.anat.org.2025@gmail.com, and let us know you'd like to receive the monthly newsletter. We’ll be happy to add you to our distribution list!

Q. What is the annual membership fee?
A. It’s free! There is no cost to join the UAO.

Q. How can our group become a member?
A. Please email us at univ.anat.org.2025@gmail.com, and we will send you the application form.

Q. Can our group contribute anatomical videos?
A. Yes, please send your anatomical video to univ.anat.org.2025@gmail.com. It must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Q. Our group would like to connect with other member groups for collaboration.
A. Absolutely. Please send us your group's interests and the group you wish to connect with, and we will facilitate the introduction.